Adjustment of terms and conditions

The German Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics (DSLV) have updated their previous terms and conditions, issuing the German General Transport Conditions 2016 (ADSp 2016). Apart from ad-justments to the current law, these new terms and conditions contain major novelties on electronic communications and will also provide for the limitation of liability of forwarders.
With inland waterway transportation, DTG will continue to work on the basis of the International Load-ing and Transport Conditions (IVTB, latest version) while forwarding business will now be transacted solely on the basis of the General German Freight Forwarding Terms and Conditions (ADSp 2016, latest version). This reorganization will be communicated by DTG in emails and business papers updated and provided with a corresponding statement on the IVTB and the ADSp 2016.
You are welcome to either request the IVTB and ADSp 2016 from us or read and download them on our website:

Picture: tarudeone /