Young talent in our transport planning department

Herr Lasse Küpper

We are also happy that we can support younger people in 2020.

As of 01.08.2020 we have taken on Lasse Küpper as a trainee for transport and logistics.

Lasse Küpper will start by working in our transport planning department in Duisburg. In the course of his time as a trainee, he will also gain experience in other departments and in our subsidiaries.


Geschmückter Tisch

Our former trainee Jana Benli has completed her formal qualification in office management and passed her final examination with flying colours!

We are pleased to announce that we have given her a permanent position in our accounting department, so from now on she is no longer a trainee. She has deserved this not just because she passed her exam, but also because she is a great person who fitted into our team very well during her time as a trainee.

We look forward to working well together in the future.